Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Gideon's Got Worms

Gideon is now an entrepreneur and all because he's got worms!

He has just started his own Mealworm Farm and has decided to breed them and sell them to the local chicken farmers and fishermen! We live in a small town and the closest place to purchase these worms would be an hour away, so Gideon to the rescue!

He has named his business....

Makes me laugh every time!

We are brand new chicken owners and have learned so much about caring for our girls (hens). In fact, that is how Gideon learned about mealworms. He was googling treats for chickens. One thing led to another and he came across a site about raising mealworms yourself to provide a tasty treat for your hens! So, here we are and now we've got worms!! He has done a lot of research on mealworms prior to purchasing the items and worms to build his first farm.  Here is his worm farm set up.

Basically, we bought a 3 drawer plastic bin at Wal-mart, a large container of Oats, and the mealworms. He started out with 200 mealworms and they should turn into over 10,000 within a few months! It was fascinating to see the oatmeal begin to roll and move within minutes of adding the worms to their new home as they burrowed their way through it. He adds a few slices of potato, carrot, or apple once a week to provide them with water and then watches in delight as each stage of their life cycle emerges.

He has done non-stop researching and reading about the lifecycle of the Darling Beetle since he learned that they would be a tasty treat for our girls (hens).

He also has found that they can be consumed raw by humans as a nutritional snack! Ewww gross! ..and  yes, Gideon  tried one. gag! 

.....crunchy exoskeleton, juicy, yet refreshing! Ewww!

After trying one he said, "I think they are pronounced 'Meal' Worms, not 'Mill' worms because they can be a meal." lol

A love for learning doesn't just happen because it is time to learn............
................it happens because one is inspired!
He is constantly identifying the stages that the worms are in. We have many that are almost to the pupae stage. Gideon can't wait until his first beetle emerges! Exciting!

He has created an advertisement to post at the local market too! He already has a customer! She contacted him to order 25 mealworms for her Gecko!
After researching online how much mealworms sell for, he came to the conclusion that he would sell his for $3.00 per 25 mealworms. A great deal, especially when living so far from civilization! He even offers delivery for an additional $1.00. 
More cool pictures...

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