Thursday, May 30, 2013

6:30 am ABCs - Perfect time for sharing what you know when you are THREE.

I woke up to Lincoln, 3, telling me all of the alphabet letters and their sounds this morning and lining them up in a row... Even after 8 years of unschooling I'm always amazed and WOWed when my kids know/learned something and I had nothing to do with it. Yeah that's how we school! ♥

         Who said boys couldn't be kind and gentle? Lincoln built a "killer robot" today out of blocks and then made him a bed out of his shield and covered him up with a prefold. Then, he laid down next to Mr. Killer rebot, patted his back softly and "went to sleep." How caring is that, especially towards a killer robot? I love his compassion. He is going to be a fantastic Daddy one day!                                                                                                                                                                              

Crawdad Fishing

We were invited to go crawdad fishing with friends last week! It was so fun! We never knew how easy it was to catch crawdads. Just fishing line and some raw bacon. 

They caught 50 in the few hours we were there!

Of course all that crawdad fishing led to sooooo many questions, thoughts, assumptions, etc... about crawdads on the way home that when we got home Gideon couldn't wait to google all the answers to his questions and I was curious too. He always has amazing thought provoking questions/thoughts and they get me wondering too! 

One of the things we learned is that crawdads are classified as Arthropods. Gideon found out out what an arthropod was and ran with it. Now, everything he catches he questions and concludes whether it is an arthropod or not. Does it have an exoskeleton? Body segments? Is it an invertebrate?

Anyhow, I love that he knows all of these high science terms/info and all because he spent the day crawdad fishing. Today, we went to the reservoir for a picnic and Layla and him found so many dead crawdad shells: heads, legs, claws, etc.. So many that they decided to collect them and then put them back together to re-create the crawdad. It was very cool. Wish I would have had my camera. Gideon was telling his sister all about arthropods and how their bodies are segmented, etc... LOVE IT!

Again, one thing led to another and on the way home we were talking about crustaceans vs. amphibians>>>frogs>>> dissection>>> and now we are ordering frogs for dissection next week! We came home and found an awesome Virtual Frog Dissection site that allows you to actually dissect online while we wait for the real thing. Very cool! 

That is how unschooling works. 
Learning through life as we walk, talk, live. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse ~ Science to fight off the zombies!

My sons are always joking about the Zombie Apocalypse  Today, after watching CrazyRussianHacker on youtube, Gideon tried a couple survival science projects to prepare to fight off the zombies! 
Here is his emergency flashlight put together from batteries, a light bulb, and a paper clip. A flashlight is a MUST when there is no electricity and you are being chased by zombies! 

Create fire from a battery and a gum wrapper!  Fire is a MUST when zombies are attacking!
Keeping an on going fire during the zombie apocalypse is a MUST because zombies are afraid of fire! 
Here is how to make a Mayo Candle. 
1. large spoon full of mayo. 

                                                          #2. Microwave for a minute
#3. Make a wick by twisting a paper towel and rolling it in the mayo fat.

                                               #4. Light the wick and watch it burn and burn......

                                                    #5. Protect yourself from zombies!

Our candle burned for an hour and 33 minutes! Impressive!!